The time has come. The editing of our life has begun in all seriousness. This will be move # 28 for us in 56 years of married life. While considering myself an expert packer, moving house is still one of life's traumatic events, let no one tell you otherwise.
The scale to which we must reduce chattels is major. It isn't so much that I've been a collector as such, more that I've been a saver. [You don't know what you might need next time round, in the next home etc.] Alas, it adds up to a houseful no matter how it is sated!
Hopefully, after this move this time, there will be no
next time. Lord willing, from this new abode coming, we will simply lift off when we hear The Trumpet. No packing required. Or go underground to await that Trumpet. No packing required for that either.
How does one edit? Delete? (How I wish there was a 1-click button for this process.)
In the early years of the Home & Garden channel programing, one addressed out of control homes where clutter ruled. The family members were shown how to bring order out of chaos, how to let go, get rid of things.
The woman who led this was a gracious woman but ruthless. One of the phrases she oft repeated, when faced with an item on which much sentimental stress was placed "This is not your Mother" (or father, grandmother, etc). "Hold the memory", she said. "If necessary take a photo, but let go". Sterling advice to this professed Pilgrim. I'm trying. With all my profound and spiritually minded statements in times past, I humble acknowledge that I'm a clinger. I know its stuff. I know its temporal and "all going to burn." But still....
When it comes to closet and clothes editing, my daughter laughingly keeps before us both what Franciscan John Michael Talbot says when choosing the outfit for the day: "Shall I wear brown or brown"? Its not likely I'll reduce to that extent, but I'm aiming to make the maxim a reality: "
Simplify, simplify, simplify".
So Dear Reader, this is where I've been and where you find me This Day. There are innumerable cartons to fill. Yet, in the days ahead I will have more thoughts and comments to make, no doubt. Bear with me and keep tuned in.
In the meantime, eendeavoring to ever keep before myself the absolute and certain fact that truly
here we have no continuing City; and that we are
looking forward to the City which has a fixed and firm foundation, whose Architect and Builder is God.
Yet, for now, looking forward to moving to the home of a much beloved daughter.