It begins somewhere and leads somewhere..
The Believer walks in a way prepared of the Lord.
The Way is a unit, every part a part of the whole.
Each part leads to the next and the next is the result of what went before.
Today is the sum of all yesterdays, and each tomorrow is the issue of the day before.
The continuity remains. The end and the beginning belong to the same road.
Before each of us, is the untrodden road of a New Year.
In such cases, for the pilgrim two things are sure:
the Presence of the Lord
and the sufficiency of His Grace.
That is all.
That is enough.
Lo, we can tread rejoicing
The narrow pilgrim road;
We know the voice that calls us,
We know our faithful God.
Thoughts fed by those of Samuel Chadwick (1860-1932)
Poetry from Gerhardt Ter Steegen (1697-1769)