When our Firstborn was at University, there was a point when she was struggling, bewildered over a distressing situation. After the struggles, as is the usual way of things, came the answer and a clear path once again.
Those were the days of pen and paper, before laptops. I still have that letter and its words which have so often brought peace to her mum. They are three small phrases from scripture, two from the Psalms, one from St. Paul's writings:
"My times are in His hands,
my tears are in His bottle,
so I'll press on."
Later on, her brother penned a prayer with the same theme:
"My times are in Your hands,
Your will has set the pace
of all my daily waitings,
Of my unending race.
In all I do and hope for
Please help me understand:
That you are God Eternal and my times are in Your hands."*
This is seems a common theme occurring again and again in the writings left by followers and pilgrims through the generations.
To this are some thoughts from George Eliot:
we must wait to be guided.
We are led on, like the little children, by a way that we know not.
It is a vain thought to flee from the work that God appoints us,
for the sake of finding a greater blessing to our own souls;
as if we could choose for ourselves
where we shall find the fulness of the Divine Presence,
instead of seeking it where alone it is to be found,
in loving obedience."
It is made clear, once again, that here we are - This Day and by Divine Appointment, to live out what He has in Eternity Past laid before us, before me.
And whatever it is, whatever form it takes, it is "a good thing".. and that because only good comes from our God's Wise and Loving Hand.
On This Day, the Truth and Promise of these words bring fresh hope,
and strength,
and comfort,
and courage.
So let's you and I, Dear Reader, press on as instructed.
Psalm 31.15, Psalm 56.8, Philippians 3.14
*Jeffrey B. Davis - copywrited
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) 1819-1880