"Seek to cultivate a buoyant,
joyous sense of the crowded kindnesses of God in your daily life."
~Alexander Maclaren (1826-1910)

It is all too easy to play the silly goose.
I'm a natural at this.
This Day, however my heart desires to strive,
to seek buoyancy and joy.
This Day hopefully, there will be a fresh alertness,
a noticing of the 'crowded kindnesses' midst the crowd and press of the ordinary.
The daily blessings of our God are boundless, continuous.
I don't want to miss them This Day.
~Alexander Maclaren (1826-1910)

It is all too easy to play the silly goose.
I'm a natural at this.
This Day, however my heart desires to strive,
to seek buoyancy and joy.
This Day hopefully, there will be a fresh alertness,
a noticing of the 'crowded kindnesses' midst the crowd and press of the ordinary.
The daily blessings of our God are boundless, continuous.
I don't want to miss them This Day.