It's a way

of receiving it and when needed, overcoming it.
Thankfulness is the Rosetta stone that deciphers all of life,
the plain and the puzzling,
the good and the bad.
It is the philosopher's stone that turns common things into precious things. It is the fulcrum with which we can move the world.
Here's why: Thankfulness incarnates faith in the sovereign goodness of God....thankfulness for all things, thankfulness in all things, not being anxious about things but by prayer and petition with thanksgiving presenting our request to God.
Only thankfulness on this scale is the incontestable sign we believe what we say.
It is the single most convincing testimony beyond our spoken one that we have put our hope in the God who vindicates and saves."
This quoted from "Spiritual Rhythm - Being With Jesus Every Season of Your Soul" by Mark Buchanan