It matters not what is happening in and around my life, wars and rumors of wars or other distresses, seed catalogs can put it all to rights.
The arrival of seed catalogs in January is as dependable as Spring itself.
The cheer and good hope they bring makes the heart beat faster and at the same time feeds the soul.
The first pages looked at are those with sweet peas. No matter the size of a garden plot, sweet peas are one essential. For me, sweet peas, lavender and roses are the gardening trinity.
Sweet pea seed is the first ordered. Papa always planted the peas - edible and flowering - in February. I try to follow his pattern when possible. There were the years of high mountain living where snow could still be on the ground in June. When it melted finally, sweet peas were planted. Often they bloomed into October when the new snows arrived.
But this year, this very day I ordered my seeds for Spring, sweet pea seeds that is.
Always there is a package of Chatsworth from that great house in Derbyshire. They are a soft lavender, great in size, dependable bloomers and wonderfully fragrant. They are to me about as perfect as as anything can be in the garden.
So with seed ordered, I am reminded that we have a future and a hope and not just in the garden only. Always the garden points to the Unseen, Heavenly things.
And the heart sings.
ReplyDelete"It matters not what is happening in and around my life, wars and rumors of wars or other distresses, seed catalogs can put it all to rights."
ReplyDelete"For me, sweet peas, lavender and roses are the gardening trinity."
These are my two favorite lines. The first one caused me to let out a pleased noise of satisfaction and joy. I love you Nan.
My seeds are awaiting the turn of the calendar page. If I had to plant only one thing, it would be Sweet Peas!