Always, from my earliest days, I've thrilled to stories of valiant warriors. Stories of those determined to overcome impossible odds and not simply to survive but to conquer and achieve, head up, shoulders back. These warrior heroes come in all shapes and forms. Some stand out in history, some are common folk and even family members. All began in the ordinary and commonplace that became extraordinary and challenging by life circumstances.
So here, this day is yet another such tale.
This is the tale of a Lad, one of our own. We were privileged and delighted to watch this Lad of ours graduated from high school recently. I know, this is not all that extraordinary and news worthy, it happens often enough. But our Lad not only graduated, but graduated with honors and # 8 in his class of fifty some students of a public school.
What makes this such a tear producing, heart swelling, extraordinary feat? Our Lad was diagnosed in his early years as having Asberger's Syndrome. And his story could easily have stopped there. He has struggled through his educational years , facing common defeat and uncommon frustrations daily. The list of these is long and overwhelming.
Now, he has dreams. Big dreams, perhaps too big, really. But what 18 year old has not had those dreams of glory and grandeur. For my part, I shall not step on those dreams.
Our Lad has a rock strewn pathway ahead and it will be up hill all the way, that is certain. Yet he has accomplished so very much thus far on his journey, it would be foolish to rule anything out in the future.
We are so very proud of him and his accomplishment. Perhaps it is wise to add that he is also of a gracious, thoughtful and compassionate nature. He has limitations to be sure, but I for one look forward to what he has yet to do in his life.
Blessed with amazingly wise and courageous parents who know their God's faithful ways, we can look forward to future days, heads up, shoulders back.
How proud we all are!
ReplyDeleteWe are all indeed proud of our dear E! And now if this auntie would get his card of congratulations off to him, he would know how proud I am.