I marvelled how it might last ; for methought it might suddenly have fallen to naught for littleness. And I was answered in my understanding,
'It lasteth, and ever shall;
For God loveth it.'
And so hath all things being by Love of God."
In this little thing I saw three properties.
The first is, that God made it.
The second, that God loveth it.
The third, that God keepeth it.
For this is the cause which we be not all at ease of heart and soul; for we seek here rest in this thing which is so little, where no rest is in; and we know not our God that is all Mighty, all Wise, and all Good, for He is very rest.
God will to be known, and it pleaseth Him that we rest in Him
For all that is beneath Him, sufficeth not us."
ReplyDeletemethinks I like that.