
Give me my scallop-shell of quiet,
My staff of faith to walk upon,
My script of joy, immortal diet,
y bottle of salvation.
My gown of glory, hopes true gauge,
And thus I'll take my pilgrimage.

~Sir Walter Raleigh

A hiker, walking for pleasure, likes to choose between several alluring trails.
The pilgrim desires only the road that leads home.

~Frank W. Boreham

Friday, June 18, 2010


So often in the midst of our daily round we take from the Father's hand. We see His provision in small ways yet we go on our way in a sort of bondage to the what ifs regarding our future days or to the if onlys of our past.

It seems our takings do not add to our faith nor build our trust as they should.

Abraham went out not knowing a thing about his future. His faith was not concerned with the entire chain of events that was to be his life. He simply focused on the immediate link of that chain and went out in obedience. Faith leaves something to the Lord! With that sort of faith comes peace. He did not get in a fuss. He did not panic, "neither fetching fears from his yesterdays nor from his tomorrows."

He lived, leaving us an example, what the Psalmist would set down in Psalm 139. "Thou hast beset me behind, Thou has beset me before, Thou hast laid Thine hand upon me." [King James, of course]

Checking out the word 'beset' we learn it is to be hedged up, surrounded, no way out. Does this seem a total oppression or is it rather total protection?

My perception depends on the state of my heart and is reflected in my trust and faith - or lack thereof!

Accepting this truth of besetting, we should be free of panic "not given to hysterical fears".

Beset behind must in truth concern my yesterdays, their deeds, failings, sins. They are taken into account by my advocate. Settled. Beset before concerns my future and all it will hold. Our God not only goes before, He is already there in those days created for me in Eternity Past.

And over all, over me is the pressure of His guiding hand.

Two hymn writers of centuries past tie up these thoughts neatly and sweetly for me.

How from Thy presence should I go
Or whither from Thy Spirit flee
Since all above, around, below
Exist in Thine immensity?
~James Montgomery

So let Thy grace surround me still
and like a bulwark prove
To guard my soul from every ill
Secured by Sovereign Love.
~Isaac Watts

How I ever and always need to be reminded that I am surrounded by Immensity and Sovereign Love - (add immeasurable grace and mercy). I must remember that whatever This Day seems, it is a good place, a safe place to be.


  1. Is God sovereign?
    Is God faithful?
    Than HE is trustworthy!

    Loved being hemmed in.

  2. Thank you always for your comments. They confirm; they enrich; they bless:)
