Yes. Sometimes the shadows fall. They are not new. Sometimes they fall so suddenly. Even yesterday came the reminder that shadows themselves indicate light still exists. That helps. A bit.
So we come once again to a time when all that remains for us is Trust. Once again of necessity we run to Our Almighty Rock and stand shattered under His Shadow. He has promised and we are to "remain stable and fixed" there.
We are to say of the Lord "He is my refuge and fortress".
We are required to lean. He tells us this.
So we do. So we will.
The tears are not fewer.
The pain of the aching mother's heart still throbs with every beat.
At times like this an ancient poem, a prayer, really, of unknown origin comes to mind.
Child of My love, lean hard,
And let Me feel the pressure of thy care,
I know thy burden, child, I shaped it,
Poised in Mine own hand, made no proportion
In its weight to thine unaided strength;
For even as I laid it on I said,
'I shall be near, and while she leans on Me,
This burden shall be Mine, not hers;
So shall I keep My child within the circling arms,
Of Mine own love. Here lay it down, nor fear
To impose it on the shoulder which upholds
The government of worlds. Yet closer come,
Thou art not near enough; I would embrace thy care,
So I might feel My child reposing on My breast.
Thou lovest Me? I know it. Doubt not, then,
But, loving Me, lean hard.
For myself, for my own darlings, This Night, I lean. I can do no other thing.
I know no other One.
"A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief" - in this I my take comfort.
ReplyDeleteFootprints...heavy as they maybe, yet trusting.
ReplyDeletefootprints... i love that prayer.